Also, I can't take credit for the garden kneeler idea in my last post. I read it somewhere - either in a book or on the dyer's list or quiltart. I just can't remember when or where I read it. Another good option might be those large interlocking squares they sell to put in children's play spaces. They are also foam, and often come in primary colors or have the alphabet printed on them. If you turn them to the back I think they'd work great. They're sold in many places - I've even seen them in Home Depot. Some kickboards (for swimming) are also made of a thicker foam and should work for monoprinting.
So that's the news here from monoprint central. My last sock class is the weekend, so by Monday I'll have my first finished sock. I've also started working again on the paper piecing project I first mentioned here, back in January. I don't think I'll make my self imposed March deadline, but at least I've started working on it again.
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