I finished this Chickami in November, but didn't weave in the ends until this weekend. I don't have a picture of me modeling yet, and all the in house photographers at the moment are underage.

I've reached the heel flap on my first sock. You can see that I couldn't restrain myself, and started another sock with a different yarn.

And now for a disclaimer. When I started this blog, nothing was blooming outside, so there were no flower pictures. I have a little problem with flower pictures. I take waaay too many. It's a bit embarrassing, but I would wager a guess that I have more flower photographs than photos of my children - and I have many, many photos of my children. The flowers inspire me, even if they don't end up in a quilt. Someday hopefully many of them will. We've had unusually warm weather the last few days, so everything's beginning to pop. Here's a purple crocus, and some blossoms on our Fall Blooming Cherry (that really blooms sporadically year round).

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