When it comes to electronics, my husband and I are never people who buy "the latest thing". For instance, I'm pretty sure we were the last people in our neighborhood to get a flat screen TV. We (okay, Vince)
carefully research the item in question, then use it as long as we can.
I don't know how long ago we bought our Canon PowerShot Pro1, but it was the first digital camera that we bought. We both had SLRs, but did not hop on the digital photo bandwagon quickly, so borrowed digital cameras before that. (My family had plenty of them.) And now, sadly, my beloved Canon bit the dust.
If you embiggen this, you'll see how well worn the exterior is |
If you zoom with it at all, the exposure is totally off - basically a white picture results. This was a lovely camera, perfect for me in so many ways. Whether I wanted to take a macro of a flower, a portrait of a child, or a photo for a quilt article, I could get the picture I wanted in no time flat. It had its limitations, of course, but for the most part it felt like an extension of me. Nearly every picture on this blog, save those marked as cell phone pictures, was taken with the old Canon. Also, if you've read any of my magazine articles, all the photos in my Machine Quilting Unlimited articles, as well as some in process ones for Quilting Arts, were taken with it. So can you tell yet that I really liked it :) ?
Now I'm adjusting to a new camera. It's better, fancier, has more megapixels, and an amazing range. And I must say that I'm impressed that I was able to take these two pictures of our woods and capture some of the magic of this time of year, which I never could quite manage with the old camera.
Stay tuned for more of my "test" pictures.
It really is hard to leave an old friend behind, isn't it? I've had to do the same with a few items in my life, too...
Your new camera sure does a lovely job, though; I am particularly drawn to the second photo.
As an aside, I am so excited to say that I was one of the winners for your new DVD - I'm so excited to learn new techniques and put my own spin on them - thank you very much for hosting the giveaway!
I love the pictures. I hope you have learning your new camera.
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