I've been in a nostalgic mood this week. But first, some lily pictures for
Deb R
This variety is called "Lollipop"

The area behind our sunporch is ideal lily growing territory - discovered completely by accident.Here's one of the new Day Lilies - I believe it's called "Cranberry Baby" or something to that effect. I love the contrast of the green throat against the pink petals.

Now switching gears.
Some time ago I was the lucky recipient of some gen-u-ine vintage fabrics. I'd guesstimate they're circa 1950somethingish. They came directly from my Aunt Mary Ann (well, after a refreshing stay at my parents' house).
This is about a fat quarter's worth of fabric or a little more. Note the price!
For not being a sewist/sewer/quilter, this woman loved fabric. As the oldest of 11 children she had a thrifty side, which showed up in her collecting habits. She collected sheets and pillow cases, and home dec remnants. Here's a stack of some of the gold ones.

Aunt Mary Ann was a very interesting woman, very bright, very opinionated, and
very well traveled. She would save her money, and then go on extended vacations to exotic locales. I almost got to travel to the Galapagos Islands with her once. My brother traveled to Israel with her.
Anyhoo, the above fabrics have now been washed, and are waiting to become tote bags and or purses. I've been thinking about making some for a very long time, and now seems like a good time to start.
This wave of nostalgia was brought on by none other than the
Mason/Dixon gals. They are enablers of the worst sort. I read their book, and was able to contain any sudden urges. Then Kay had to go and write a post like
this. It was too much for me. I succumbed to the pressure. Here's the result.

No amount of styling (accomplished during a power outage this afternoon that coincided with a napping child and two others being at school) can disguise the fact that this is, indeed, a dishcloth. Knitting it reminded me of all the handmade linens and such I've seen at relatives' homes over the years. It didn't occur to me until
just now that each and every one of them was made by an individual. Maybe she made it out of boredom, or kindness, or just to make something pretty. But what a wonderful act to make something, to give something of herself, to make someone's world a brighter or more beautiful place, if only in a very small way.