I did a little test, and discovered that my profile also was producing "no reply" for email. I had to change my profile so that "show my email address" was checked, and now I think I've fixed this issue for myself. So, if you're leaving comments on folks blogs and not getting email, check out your own profile and see what it says.
I wish I could say I've finished umpteen fabulous things to show you, but alas this is not the case. Things like cub scout stuff, helping children with (insert anything here), having a sick child etc. have lowered my productivity. However, today I won a whole wack of Swarovski crystal flatback rhinestones. Go to Jerry's Beads to enter and win some yourself. There is irony here! At Monday night's Knit Knight some classy folks were discussing/questioning the whole bedazzling thing after I (jokingly) suggested that Jody's skull bag and needle case could benefit from red rhinestones in some of those eye sockets. I'm not one to put crystals on quilts, but they are kind of fun to put (sparingly) on note cards, Christmas ornaments, little boxes etc. (Or even needle cases.)
So what's so eggcellent about this post? There's no school today, so we've had a little egg dyeing, and I've thrown in some crocuses.