I've been working on a new quilt. It's printed, and the borders are dyed. Last year I showed some pictures of my "dye studios", here are some pictures of this year's setup.
First off, the view:
No complaints about that!And here's my
fabu setup:

I was *very* lucky - it's been quite cool this spring, but Thursday was a super bright day in the 70's. I wasn't quite ready to dye the borders, but rushed to get it done with such perfect weather. I was especially concerned about the temperature because I was using so many blues, and some turquoise. Those attractive storm doors to the basement get very hot, so once the fabric was just damp (and not dripping) I transferred the fabric over there to "cook" it some. Three out of four borders came out just right, the fourth I redyed on Saturday.
Here's the "dye-a-gram" I followed (click for bigger).

I measured color changes in the background of my image, then wrote notes to myself on what dye colors to use and where to change them. I don't mark the fabric, but use this as a guide. I used the same technique last year for Under the Rainbow and was happy with the results so thought I'd use it again!
So how have I been
Resq'd? When I print out an image on fabric in strips, I somehow have to baste the strips before sewing in order to line up the image properly. Previously I've glue basted in the seam allowances, but I wasn't completely sold on how that worked out. I bought some
Res-q Tape at Joann's, and it worked amazingly well. (My package says
Dritz, not Collins, but I'm pretty sure they're the same product.) Now I have no stiffness in the seam allowance, and I can press it open if I want to.