I made a tote bag for my niece's birthday using some Laurel Burch fabrics.

Last week was Spring Break for the kids. My husband was going to a conference in Norfolk, Virginia, so at the last minute we all tagged along. We stayed in a hotel on the beach in Virginia Beach. Though quite chilly a good time was had by all. Here's a token seagull shot (clickable).

On the slooow return trek I made considerable progress on Lorelei - the bottom is essentially finished.
It's been quite cold here too (28 degrees F when the Easter Bunny put eggs outside for the hunt yesterday - good thing she's covered in fur). The tulip magnolias are suffering, the cherry blossoms are barely hanging in there, but the weeds look great!

A lovely gal named Anne left a comment the other day about Lorelei. All the comments are still saying "no reply" so I'll answer her question here. Anne, I think the yarn you described would work great. A cotton/linen mix would have a nice drape in the lower section, and since Lorelei isn't fitted there I think the drape is needed. Let me know how it turns out!